Wednesday, May 18, 2011

North Carolina

So, I've finished the final course of my contract and my goals for this time off (Six weeks from course end to the start of New Staff Training) were essentially to relax, recuperate, and write about the last two years of my life. Instead, I went and played in North Carolina. A BUNCH. The first trip up there was with Amy A, Sue, Dan, and Dani and it involved a lot of wine, whitewater canoeing and rafting, playing games, going on walks, etc. But the mountain air was so crisp and cool and was just a wonderful week in general.

Getting ready to hit the river on Day 2, when I had decided it was time to try out whitewater canoeing.

I had Dani take this picture right after getting on the river, because I was fairly sure I would only stay in the canoe for about ten minutes.

Amy A bringing the canoe down the homestretch of the river.

Upon my return to Fernandina Beach, I spent a few days with friends, watched the Royal Wedding, and went right back up to the cabin the following week.

Gotta love the look on Amy's face.

Joanna coming down the chute.