Sunday, April 28, 2013


I don't have much to say or show in this one. I returned from Portland during some stormy weather, which then resulted in a pretty awesome foamy beach afterward.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Oregon Up Close

All right, this is number 2 in the "Up Close" series. (Check out Florida here) My recent trip to the Northwest was just in time for the tail end of EVERYTHING being in bloom. So it involved a lot of me walking around, shoving my camera really close to objects and snapping those pictures.

Love that moss. It's so cool how it grows.

How they say "Water Fountain" in Portland.

Abe Lincoln's Foot.

Powell's Bookstore

Sun Catcher at the market.

Glitter on the wall at Voodoo Doughnuts

Water from the Bridge -- Portland

Icicle on the way to Bend

Deschutes Brewery, Bend OR.

Where you from?
Deschutes Brewery, Bend OR.
Black Butte
All right, this is actually Washington. At the best cofee shop
in the world. Batdorf and Bronson -- Olympia WA.

Live Sand Dollar, Burfoot Park.

Driftwood. Burfoot Park.

CHEESE!! Tillamook Cheese Factory.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

If I Had a Tail, It Would Be Wagging...

Last week I visited my beloved homeland, the Pacific Northwest. And though it was only a six day visit, I wanted to see EVERYTHING.  So lets kick it off with...


Portlanders may be trying to keep things weird out there, but there is no denying how beautiful it is this time of year. EVERYTHING is in bloom and the weather switched from rainy to sunny so fast that it was a postcard of April showers there.


What does Lincoln have to do with Portland?
I have no idea.

Keep Portland Wierd

Yes please.


And of course, this trip included a jaunt to the Oregon Zoo. One of the big attractions right now is Lucy, the baby elephant. And she is CUTE.



Yes. That IS a bat peeing. I couldn't help myself.


After Portland it was on to...


First time seeing snow in two years.
Rains falling over Bend
Kayak Art
Bottling at the Deschutes Brewery
Beer. Deschutes Brewery.
And then it was on to...

Every time I'm in Olympia, I wear out my camera taking pictures of everything I can imagine. This time I just took a few out at Burfoot Park. The clouds were insane that day.

And then we capped off the week with a trip to the Oregon Coast. We headed out to the Tillamook Cheese Factory (I think that must be what Heaven smells like) and then went to Cannon Beach. I do love my homestate dearly, but I gotta admit that Oregon beaches are WAY better.

Love this one. Micaela's reflection.

Getting our feet all up in the Pacific.


These ladies have the best job.
Mom and Dad at the Cheese Factory

Mom and Micaela

Mom and Dad