Monday, June 18, 2012

Florida Skies

Well, it's been a quiet three weeks. Not a whole lot of adventures to report. I spent this time at home in Fernandina, recovering from surgery and witnessing some of the most amazing storms and skies that Florida has to offer.

There was a good stretch after Beryl where we experienced a monsoon-style rainstorm every afternoon for about an hour. We were suffering from a lack of air conditioning and so we fondly named our house the "Firey Depths of Hell" and applied frozen concoctions to our foreheads and necks when it got real warm (read: unbearably, stifling, depths of hell hot) every day. Then the rains would come and we'd open the was delightful.

Sometimes the sky would turn inexplicably yellow. This picture almost captures how weird it looked.

Dani trying to "stick em!" You know, right before it started raining.

Lightning over the ocean

High tide on Atlantic Avenue

This was the view out of my bedroom door on my birthday morning. Not bad.

Back in Key Largo, just outside the Caribbean Club.

I also want to take a moment to throw out some care sticks to the universe to Alice Joy. Alice was a childhood friend of mine and she passed away in San Francisco a few weeks ago. She was such a beautiful person, inside and out, and it's so sad that her time here was cut so short. I've added in a few photos that I cannot take credit for, but I think they are amazing nonetheless.

In the end, a lot happened for not a lot happening in the last few weeks. I spent quite a bit of time painting, and will hopefully get those paintings posted soon. I quietly turned 28 with a group of friends around me, I had a time of reflection and rest. And coming out of it, the thing I'm thinking about most is all the amazing people in my life that I'm so grateful to have around. I really appreciate everyone who has been there for me (you know who you are). I appreciate it more than I can say.