I have a lot of family and friends who are really far away from me, yet consistently ask me for updates on my life. As many a blog is born...this one is also created to keep people up to date, but also for me to make a record of this crazy life. I only wish I had started this thing four years ago, when things really got interesting, but no time like the present. So here it goes.
Right now I'm a lead instructor with Outward Bound in the Southeast. Down here we work specifically with "At-risk" populations, and in a year and a half, I've worked with adjudicated youth (kids who have been in the court system and/or detention facilities), kids who are on the way toward becoming adjudicated, and kids from around the country who have gotten in trouble or have little to no motivation, but their families can fund an Outward Bound trip for them. It's been a crazy ride so far and I'm coming to the end of it in the next couple of months here. For now.
More to come...